Home » » Huskar


Written By Unknown on Jumat, 06 September 2013 | 21.26

Radiant icon.png The Radiant
21 + 2.4
20 + 2.4
18 + 1.5
Level 11625
Hit Points 549 1271 2012
Mana 234 546 962
Damage 42-51 80-89 119-128
Armor 1.87.1212.66
Attacks / Second 0.74 0.981.23
Movement Speed 300
Turn Rate 0.5
Sight Range 1800/800
Attack Range 400
Missile Speed 1400
Attack Duration 0.4+0.5
Cast Duration0.3+2.4
Base Attack Time 1.6
Huskar the Sacred Warrior is a ranged Strength hero who is an effective ganker and carry, with both great benefits and risks offered. Unlike most heroes, he doesn't use mana much to use his abilities, rather, he sacrifices his own health to inflict the highest damage possible. His passive Berserker's Blood defines the power of sacrifice, he gets more dangerous when he gets hurt. This gives him increased magic resistance and attack speed depending how much life is missing, and the given magic resistance and attack speed are staggering, potentially having the highest damage output in the earliest stage. Huskar can use his own life force to attack using Burning Spears which scorches foes and gives him an advantage early on. Due to the health cost of Burning Spears, his Berserker's Blood sets on, granting him power to decimate any target. Inner Vitality magically heals Huskar after he is injured, regenerating health each second based upon its primary attribute, and heals more when the health is on a critical level. It can be used to heal allies as well. His Life Break is his most dangerous ability and a risky one too. Charging towards his target, Huskar sheds a large amount of life force to cut a target's current HP to fractions. This is great to use as an initiation spell, as it deals immense damage based on the target's current health, breaking it down, allowing Huskar and his allies to feel the pain that the Sacred Warrior felt. Courageous and fearless, Huskar is powerful at any stage of the game, and is willing to suffer and face death, for him to contribute and deliver a marvelous victory to his team.


  • 1 Bio
  • 2 Abilities
  • 3 Recommended items


Huskar Huskar, the Sacred Warrior
 "Those who are given more in life must not cling to it but risk it all in every moment."
Role: Pip carry.png Carry / Pip initiator.png Initiator / Pip tank.png Durable
Emerging from the throes of the sacred Nothl Realm, Huskar opened his eyes to see the prodigal shadow priest Dazzle working a deep incantation over him. Against the ancient rites of the Dezun Order, Huskar’s spirit had been saved from eternity, but like all who encounter the Nothl he found himself irrevocably changed. No longer at the mercy of a mortal body, his very lifeblood became a source of incredible power; every drop spilled was returned tenfold with a fierce, burning energy. However this newfound gift infuriated Huskar, for in his rescue from the Nothl, Dazzle had denied him a place among the gods. He had been denied his own holy sacrifice. In time the elders of the order sought to expand their influence and Huskar, they agreed, would be a formidable tool in their campaign. Yet becoming a mere weapon for the order that denied him his birthright only upset him further. As the first embers of war appeared on the horizon, he fled his ancestral home to find new allies, all the while seeking a cause worthy of unleashing the power his total sacrifice could bring.


Inner Vitality
Inner Vitality icon.png
Ability Affects
Target Unit Allied Heroes
Unlocks the regenerative power of a friendly unit, with healing based upon its primary attribute. If the target is below 40% it will heal faster. Lasts 16 seconds.
Cast Range: 450
Duration: 16
Health Regeneration: 2/4/6/8
Bonus Heal Amount: 5/10/15/20% of main attribute
Bonus Heal Amount Below 40% HP: 15/30/45/60% of main attribute
Cooldown 25 Mana 170
While Huskar has little use for magic, this minor enchantment was learned from the Dazzle and the Dezun priests, to be used in times of great injury.
  • The HP percentage is checked every second and the regeneration adjusted accordingly.

Burning Spear
Burning Spear icon.png
Ability Affects Damage
Auto-cast Enemies Magical
Huskar sets his spears aflame, dealing damage over time with his regular attack. Multiple attacks will stack additional damage. Each attack drains some of Huskar's health. Lasts 7 seconds.
Duration: 7
Cast Range: 450
Damage Per Second: 5/10/15/20
Health Cost: 15
Cooldown 0
The Sacred Warrior ignites his weaponry after marking it with his own blood - causing far greater pain than he himself feels.
  • Damage type on self is HP removal.
  • Burning Spears stacks additively when used multiple times on one target.
  • Huskar cannot kill himself using this ability.

    Berserker's Blood
    Berserker's Blood icon.png
    Ability Affects
    Passive Self
    Huskar's injuries feed his power, giving increased attack speed and magic resistance based on missing health.
    Increase Attack Speed: 8/12/16/20
    Bonus Magic Resistance: 4%/5%/6%/7%
    After losing his birthright, Huskar gained a lethality in physical combat that is only heightened as his own blood is spilled.
    • There will be a special effect when Berserker's Blood is giving a large bonus (60% missing health).
    • First stack lasts from 100% to 87% of Huskar's maximum HP.
    • Maximum bonus (14 stacks) is achieved when Huskar has strictly less than 3% of his maximum HP, which will provide 112/168/224/280 attack speed and 56%/70%/84%/98% magic resistance.

      Life Break
      Life Break icon.png
      Ability Affects Damage
      Target Unit Enemies Magical
      Huskar draws upon his health to break an enemy's life, leaping at a target within attack range to inflict a percentage of that hero's current HP, and slow at the cost of his own vitality. While leaping, Huskar is magic immune. Slow lasts 5 seconds.
      Cast Range: 550
      Slow: 50%
      Slow Duration: 5
      Damage: 50% (65%*) of target's current HP
      Self Damage: 40%/35%/30% of Huskar's current HP
      Cooldown 45/30/15 (4*)
      Partially blocked by Magic Immunity. Will block damage but not the slow. Huskar still takes damage.
      Can be purged. Slow can be purged.
      Can be Improved by Aghanim's Scepter (* shows the improved values). Increases damage dealt, reduces cooldown.
      No matter the danger, Huskar thrusts himself into melees that only he can survive.
      • Life Break cannot be disjointed.
      • Huskar will charge up to his target, becoming magic immune, before doing the effects.

        Recommended items

          • Urn of Shadows helps Huskar regain HP quickly in conjunction with Inner Vitality allowing for increased survivability.
          • Armlet of Mordiggian provides bonuses to Huskar's health, damage, and attack speed. It also synergizes with his passive by depleting his health.
          • Black King Bar will cause Huskar to take no self-damage from his ultimate, allowing him to use it to initiate with little risk of dying.
          • Helm of the Dominator, while not a recommended item, is a good early item for Huskar because of how well lifesteal synergizes with his passive. It can also be later upgraded into a Satanic to make him hard to kill in teamfights.
          • An unmentioned item is Orchid Malevolence which provides Huskar with some damage, increased attack speed and an additional bonus damage from its debuff. Orchid allows you to pick off lone heroes without letting them use their abilities to fight back or escape from you similar to Clinkz's early game build.
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