Home » » Slardar


Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 07 September 2013 | 20.44

Dire icon.png The Dire
21 + 2.8
17 + 2.4
15 + 1.5
Level 11625
Hit Points 549 1385 2202
Mana 195 507 923
Damage 51-59 95-103 138-146
Armor 5.3810.716.24
Attacks / Second 0.68 0.911.14
Movement Speed 300
Turn Rate 0.5
Sight Range 1800/800
Attack Range Melee
Missile Speed Instant
Attack Duration 0.36+0.64
Cast Duration0.35+0.51
Base Attack Time 1.7
Slardar the Slithereen Guard is a melee strength hero who uses brute force, low cooldown spells, and high physical strength to bring his enemies to their knees. He excels and thrives in close combat situations, and has high mobility, strong initiation and ganking abilities, and good synergy between his skills. Sprint greatly increases Slardar's movespeed for a lengthy duration, and allows him to chase down heroes and escape with ease. It does increase the damage Slardar takes, so it must be used with extreme caution. Sprint is used to get right next to enemies so Slardar can use Slithereen Crush, which delivers an area of effect stun to nearby enemies followed by a minor slow afterwards, all on a very low cooldown. This allows Slardar to take on multiple opponents simultaneously and deliver a potent initiation. Bash serves as a strong steroid, locking enemies in place while Slardar whacks at them with impunity. Finally, his ultimate Amplify Damage greatly reduces a target's armor and reveals him/her for the duration, making Slardar very potent against tanks and invisible heroes alike; it will also increase the damage dealt by his Crush and Bash. Although a strength hero, he has high physical damage output and an agility growth and armor value that rivals that of most agility heroes, allowing him to carry quite well if the situation calls for it. Chasing enemies relentlessly and pummeling them into the ground, Slardar is a fearsome opponent to be next to.


  • 1 Bio
  • 2 Abilities
  • 3 Recommended items


Slardar Slardar, the Slithereen Guard
 "I guard what slumbers in the deeps."
Role: Pip carry.png Carry / Pip tank.png Durable / Pip disabler.png Disabler / Pip initiator.png Initiator
Slardar is a Slithereen, one of the Deep Ones, guardian of the great wealth of sunken cities and the ancient riches buried there. In the lightless gulf of the great ocean abysses, the Slithereen Guard carries his lure-light with him through the secret treasure rooms. Subaqueous thieves (sent into the deeps by covetous dryland sorcerers) are drawn in by its friendly glow, never to return. He is utterly loyal, and his taciturn nature hides deep knowledge of the most secret places of the sea. He rises to the shallows in spite of the pain caused him by brightness, to commit reconnaissance, to make sure no one is conspiring against the depths, and sometimes in relentless pursuit of the rare few who manage to steal off with an item from the Sunken Treasury. Because he has spent his whole life at great pressure, under tremendous weight of the sea, Slardar the Slithereen Guard is a creature of great power.


Sprint icon.png
Ability Affects
No Target Self
Slardar moves significantly faster, but takes 15% bonus damage.
Duration: 20
Movement Speed Increase: 20%/27%/33%/40%
Cooldown 28 Mana 50
As Slardar has made the transition from the Deeps, it has been necessary to use his powerful tail for sprinting instead of swimming.
  • Activating this ability does not cancel channeling spells, meaning you can use Boots of Travel and then use this ability without canceling the teleportation.
  • Amplified damage is the same type of damage dealt.

Slithereen Crush
Slithereen Crush icon.png
Ability Affects Damage
No Target Enemies Physical
Slams the ground, stunning and damaging nearby enemy land units. After the stun, the affected units are slowed by 20% for 2 seconds.
Radius: 350
Stun Duration: 1/1.5/2/2.5
Damage: 50/100/150/200
Cooldown 8 Mana 80/95/105/115
Partially blocked by Magic Immunity. Stun is blocked; damage is not
Can be purged. The slow can be removed.
A swift crush of might and water breaks even the toughest of defenses.

Bash icon.png
Ability Affects Damage
Passive Enemies Physical
Grants a chance that an attack will do bonus damage and stun an enemy. The duration is doubled against creeps.
Stun Duration: 1 (2 on creeps)
Damage Bonus: 40/50/60/70
Chance: 10%/15%/20%/25%
Thieves of the wealth of the Deep Ones meet the brutality of the Slithereen Guard in melee combat.
  • Does not stack with Skull Basher or Abyssal Blade.

Amplify Damage
Amplify Damage icon.png
Ability Affects
Target Unit Enemies
Reduces enemy armor to amplify physical damage and provides True Sight of the targeted unit, revealing invisibility.
Range: 700
Duration: 25
Armor Reduction: 8/14/20
Cooldown 10 Mana 25
Partially blocked by Magic Immunity. Works on magic immune units, but will be dispelled by magic immunity.
Slardar's lure-light reveals even the most hidden of opponents, as well as their vulnerabilities.
  • Provides True Sight on enemy unit.
  • Goes through magic immunity such as Black King Bar. However, if a unit becomes magic immune while under the effects of Amplify Damage it will be dispelled.

Recommended items

    • Ring of Health provides you with extra survivability. 
    • Vanguard's damage block is very useful, since you take extra damage when using Sprint. 
    • Desolator decreases your enemies' armor and stacks with Amplify Damage, making Durable heroes less of a problem. 
    • Armlet of Mordiggian is a very cost effective way of increasing Slardar's DPS. In longer engagements some form of HP sustaining items to counteract the drain may be useful. Combining it later with a Heart of Tarrasque negates the health loss. 
    • A Blink Dagger is nearly core on any initiator. Use it to improve Slardar's initiation and chasing abilities. 
    • Assault Cuirass increases armor of you and your team, improving your survivability in team fights. The extra attack speed also gives your Bash more chances to proc. 
    • Satanic is a highly useful late game item for Slardar. Its active ability can make him highly survivable, and the extra strength and passive lifesteal lets him stay in lane and push more effectively.
    • [edit] Tips 
    • Amplify Damage is a low mana, low cooldown counter to enemy Heroes with invisibility. 
    • Amplify Damage also stacks with armor reducing spells/buffs and items. 
    • Because of Slardar's ability to bash opponents, buying attack speed items can be useful on disabling magic immune enemies. 
    • Slardar is capable of beating hard Carries by becoming a Hard Carry himself, thanks to his Bash and Amplify Damage. This can give carries like Anti-Mage, Drow Ranger, and Huskar a hard time in defeating him. 
    • Sprint supports a highly aggressive early game playstyle. Should the lane be pushed close to your tower, an easy kill can be acquired even with high health heroes if you are laning with someone with a reliable slow or stun. 
      • Use Sprint carefully in the early game however - it increases the damage you take in addition to raising your movement speed, which can sometimes make the kill easier with an opponent who can chase you efficiently (such as Anti Mage with his Blink ability).

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