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Sand King

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 07 September 2013 | 20.35

Sand King
Sand King.png
Dire icon.png The Dire
18 + 2.6
19 + 2.1
16 + 1.8
Level 11625
Hit Points 492 1271 2050
Mana 208 585 1027
Damage 43-59 84-100 125-141
Armor 2.667.3512.52
Attacks / Second 0.7 0.891.11
Movement Speed 300
Turn Rate 0.5
Sight Range 1800/800
Attack Range Melee
Missile Speed Instant
Attack Duration 0.53+0.47
Cast Duration0+0.51
Base Attack Time 1.7
Crixalis the Sand King is a melee strength hero with one of the highest area of effect damage outputs in the entire game. All four of his abilities can affect multiple enemy units, and can combo quite well with each other. He is one of the most versatile Heroes in the game as he can push, initiate, support, roam, gank, and even semi-carry if he does well. He is also versatile enough to be able to go to any lane with at least moderate success, but works best as a participant in a dual lane or trilane. His main role in the team is to deliver a devastating initiation, delivering both stuns and slows to the enemy team. Burrowstrike allows him to tunnel underground and resurface in a short line, dealing damage and stunning all targets it hits; it can also serve as an escape tool. Sandstorm is mainly used as escape mechanism to provide brief invisibility and disjoint projectiles. Caustic Finale serves as a strong harassing tool against enemy melee heroes or as a followup after he Burrowstrikes a creep wave, allowing him to farm quite effectively. Finally, his ultimate, after a short channeling time, delivers a vast amount of AoE damage and slow centered around himself, which necessitates the purchase of a Blink Dagger in order to displace himself within the enemy team. A Sand King that is played effectively is one that grinds the entire enemy team into dust.


  • 1 Bio
  • 2 Abilities
  • 3 Recommended items


Sand King Crixalis, the Sand King
 "I will show you fear in a handful of sand..."
Role: Pip initiator.png Initiator / Pip disabler.png Disabler / Pip ganker.png Nuker
The sands of the Scintillant Waste are alive and sentient--the whole vast desert speaks to itself, thinking thoughts only such a vastness can conceive. But when it needs must find a form to communicate with those of more limited scope, it frees a fragment of itself, and fills a carapace of magic armor formed by the cunning Djinn of Qaldin. This essential identity calls itself Crixalis, meaning 'Soul of the Sand,' but others know it as Sand King. Sand King takes the form of a huge arachnid, inspired by the Scintillant Waste's small but ubiquitous denizens; and this is a true outward expression of his ferocious nature. Guardian, warrior, ambassador--Sand King is all of these things, inseparable from the endless desert that gave him life.


Burrowstrike icon.png
Ability Affects Damage
Target Point Enemies Magical
Sand King burrows into the ground and tunnels forward, damaging and stunning enemy units above him as he resurfaces.
Range: 350/450/550/650
Radius: 150
Stun Duration: 2.17
Damage: 100/160/220/280
Cooldown 11 Mana 110/120/130/140
Crixalis often lies in wait, burrowing under the surface to ambush his adversaries.
  • Hit units will fly for 0.52 seconds before the real stun is applied.
  • Can be used during the damaging phase of Epicenter.

Sand Storm
Sand Storm icon.png
Ability Affects Damage
Channeled Enemies Magical
CHANNELED - Sand King creates a fearsome sandstorm that damages enemy units while hiding him from vision. The invisibility remains for a short duration after the sandstorm ends.
Radius: 275/325/375/525
Channeling Duration: 20/40/60/80
Damage Per Second: 20/40/60/80
Delay Before Reveal: 1.5
Cooldown 40/30/20/10 Mana 60/50/40/30
Can be purged. Not instantly removed, fade delay remains.
Some say Crixalis is a mirage; his carapace appearing then vanishing between the whirling sands of the Scintillant Waste.
  • Sand Storm can be used to dodge projectiles.
  • Because of Epicenters channeling time the invisibility from Sand Storm is directly removed if activating the ultimate. 
  • However, Sand Storm (and any other ability) can be used after the channeling of Epicenter was successful.
  • Sand Storm can deal 400/1600/3600/6400 damage in total to a single unit.
  • Sand Storm does damage twice per second, but results in 20/40/60/80 damage per second.

Caustic Finale
Caustic Finale icon.png
Ability Affects Damage
Passive Enemies Magical
Sand King's attacks inject a venom that causes enemy units to explode violently upon death, spreading area damage.
Explosion Radius: 400
Debuff Duration: 8
Explosion Damage: 90/130/170/220
An injection from Crixalis makes one brittle and as dry as the arid wastes, subject to implosive demise.
  • Exploding units leave no corpse.
  • Mechanical units take damage if in radius, the debuff however does not apply to them.
  • Does not work on denies (the buff is not placed on allied units).

Epicenter icon.png
Ability Affects Damage
Channeled Enemies Magical
CHANNELED - After channeling for 2 seconds, Sand King sends a disturbance into the earth, causing it to shudder violently. All enemies caught within range will take damage and become slowed. Each subsequent pulse increases the radius of damage dealt.
Initial Radius: 275
Slow Duration: 3
Number Of Pulses: 6/8/10 (8/10/12*)
Pulse Damage: 110
Movement Speed Slow: 30%
Attack Speed Slow: 10%
Cooldown 140/120/100 (120/100/80*) Mana 175/250/325
Partially blocked by Magic Immunity. Damage is blocked, slow is not.
Can be Improved by Aghanim's Scepter (* shows the improved values). Decreases cooldown and increases number of pulses.
Many an explorer was lost to the quicksands of the Scintillant Waste.
  • The slow goes through magic immunity, but the damage does not.
  • Sand King channels for 2 seconds before activating this ability. Stopping the channeling will waste the cooldown and mana required for the ability.
  • The pulses are centered on the Sand King's current location, not where he first casted the spell.
  • The radius of the pulses is 275 / 325 / 375 / 425 / 475 / 525 / 575 / 650 / 675 / 700 / (775 / 825*)
  • While casting the spell works like any other chanelling ability and can be interrupted.
  • If the channeling was successful the damage pulses can not be interrupted anymore.
  • Any items and abilities (e.g. Sand Storm) can be used with the ult (after a successful channel).
  • Should Sand King die during the damage phase all remaining pulses will be cast at his last location.
  • Deals a total of 660/880/1100 (880/1100/1320*) damage to a single unit.

Recommended items

  • Starting Items: Sand King is a mean, lean ganking machine who can lane anywhere, or even not lane at all, while still being effective until midgame and early late game. His fragility is equalized by the survivability his abilities offer him. Because of this, his mana dependence is fairly high, so rolling two Clarities is very common on a Sand King. Gauntlets of Strength give Sand King some great survivability, but Circlet can also be a viable option because it offers him both HP and mana which are two very important aspects for the Hero. A triple Branch build is also fairly common on a Sand King because he is a great carrier for Magic Wand. He may buy Animal Courier, Observer Ward, or Sentry Ward especially if the player decides that Sand King will be laning on top or bottom. If the team decides to use Sand King on middle lane, he should not be buying these items as he will need to rush Bottle via buying enough stuff that leaves Sand King with an initial 300 gold, the usual being a Tango, a Clarity, and three Branches. However, this is not the usual case of middle Sand King, and should always depend on the situation. Sand King is not suited to solo top or bottom lanes, but mid is fine.
  • Early Game: If the team decided to let Sand King take middle lane, he should get to Bottle fast as it makes ganking a whole lot easier for him. In other circumstances, the first item to get on Sand King is Boots of Speed. The movement speed bonus is very important for an early game ganker-slash-roamer, especially if the player decides to use a no lane Sand King. A Bracer or two can be the next item as the HP and mana boost are fairly great bonuses. Rolling Magic Stick is optional and should really depend on who the enemy Heroes are, rather than who the player will be laning against. This is especially true since a good Sand King will be all over the map roaming anyway.
  • Core Items: If the ganks the player is making are fairly successful, and he can survive well enough with just the use of his Bottle (if he did carry one), rushing to Blink Dagger before, or even outright skipping Bracers is very common. After grabbing dagger, Sand King is all set and ready to just dominate the early stage of the game. The next item to get is the boots upgrade, and Arcane Boots are easily the best boot choice for Sand King. He requires a lot of mana in fights and these give him the most mana and help out mana hungry allies.
  • Luxury Items: Sand King is so powerful with just dagger and the boots upgrade that he can even contribute to the team without getting any luxury items and just focusing more on warding and ganking until late midgame. Though successful ganking means that the player will be having excess gold even after doing all that. The items to look forward to on Sand King is Black King Bar (BKB), Shiva's Guard, Veil of Discord, and Aghanim's Scepter. BKB is just great on Sand King especially because he can score Epicenter pulses on enemies without fear of being interrupted by abilities. Shiva's Guard is also a very great item on any initiator Hero, and especially Sand King who can use well with the armor and mana bonuses of the item. Veil of Discord is the cheapest way to increase the damage from your ultimate, and all of the other magic damage from your teammates. Scepter also increases the damage from your ultimate, but only for you, but makes Sand King tankier and gives you more mana. The choice between the two can come down to how much gold you're making and how often you're dying. Blademail is another outstanding item on Sand King as enemies are decided with whether they should eliminate Sand King while doing his Epicenter, or tank the Epicenter to avoid damaging themselves with the reflect. Both ways give great results, and the mind game put up by the item means they will be focused more on trying to survive than eliminating your team - one of the greatest ways to pseudo-tank. Heart of Tarrasque is another great item on the Hero. The regen coupled with your Sand Storm means you can stay in the fight for almost an indefinite amount of time.
  • Unmentioned Items: The amplified magical damage coupled with his Epicenter means he can beat the whole enemy team to a pulp in a single move, while your own team can gain benefit from the extra damage bonus as well. Linken's Sphere is also a great item on Sand King since the regen and attribute bonuses mean that he can survive longer without going back to river and taking runes frequently, and the spellblock is just a great bonus all in all. Pipe of Insight is another good item for Sand King, but it shouldn't be taken if another good candidate can do it for the player. A second disable such as Orchid Malevolence or Scythe of Vyse are also great items, but other support Heroes should be getting it anyway. Urn of Shadows is also a very viable item for a middle lane Sand King or one who wishes to keep ganking.
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