Home » » Brewmaster


Written By Unknown on Jumat, 06 September 2013 | 21.46

Radiant icon.png The Radiant
23 + 2.9
16 + 1.95
14 + 1.25
Level 11625
Hit Points 587 1442 2278
Mana 182 442 832
Damage 52-59 97-104 141-148
Armor 3.247.6212.59
Attacks / Second 0.68 0.861.07
Movement Speed 300
Turn Rate 0.6
Sight Range 1800/800
Attack Range Melee
Missile Speed Instant
Attack Duration 0.35+0.65
Cast Duration0.4+0.5
Base Attack Time 1.7
Mangix the Brewmaster is a melee strength hero that can fill almost any role, though he is primarily seen as a carry, ganker, tank or initiator. He fits well into any lane, but is very experience dependent, which means he is often seen on the offlane or the midlane. His core abilities make him a respectable physical damage dealer and an especially good duelist, since he has abilities that involve negating opposing auto-attacks while strengthening his own. However, his true power lies in his ultimate, Primal Split, which, if used properly, can by itself turn the tide of a team fight. Each of the three aspects of the Brewmaster are exceptionally powerful, with exceptional disables, survivability against magic and physical attacks, and damage; they are also able to charge recklessly into the enemy since the damage they take is not permanent, and very rarely will all three die before Primal Split ends. For this reason, Brewmaster is almost always built to fully maximize the potential of this ultimate, getting items such as Blink Dagger so that he can combo into his ultimate without risk of being initiated on, Heart of Tarrasque to ensure he can survive the first wave of stuns and burst in order to cast his ultimate, and of course Aghanim's Scepter to strengthen his ultimate.


  • 1 Bio
  • 2 Abilities
    • 2.1 Earth
    • 2.2 Storm
    • 2.3 Fire
  • 3 Recommended items


Brewmaster Mangix, the Brewmaster
 "Play Shall we call this off and have a friendly round?"
Role: Pip carry.png Carry / Pip tank.png Durable / Pip initiator.png Initiator / Pip pusher.png Pusher
Deep in the Wailing Mountains, in a valley beneath the Ruined City, the ancient Order of the Oyo has for centuries practiced its rites of holy reverie, communing with the spirit realm in grand festivals of drink. Born to a mother’s flesh by a Celestial father, the youth known as Mangix was the first to grow up with the talents of both lineages. He trained with the greatest aesthetes of the Order, eventually earning, through diligent drunkenness, the right to challenge for the title of Brewmaster—that appellation most honored among the contemplative malt-brewing sect. As much drinking competition as mortal combat, Mangix for nine days drank and fought the elder master. For nine nights they stumbled and whirled, chugged and struck, until at last the elder warrior collapsed into a drunken stupor, and a new Brewmaster was named. Now the new, young Brewmaster calls upon the strength of his Oyo forebears to speed his staff. When using magic, it is to his spirit ancestors that he turns. Like all Brewmasters before him, he was sent out from his people with a single mission. He wanders the land, striving toward enlightenment through drink, searching for the answer to the ancient spiritual schism—hoping to think the single thought that will unite the spirit and physical planes again.


Thunder Clap
Thunder Clap (Brewmaster) icon.png
Ability Affects Damage
No Target Enemies Magical
Slams the ground, dealing damage and slowing the movement speed and attack rate of nearby enemy land units.
Radius: 400
Attack Speed Slow: 25/35/45/55
Movement Speed Slow: 25/35/45/55%
Damage: 100/175/250/300
Duration: 4.25 seconds on Heroes (8 on creeps)
Cooldown 12 Mana 90/105/130/150
A slam of Mangix' mighty keg starts the festivities.

Drunken Haze
Drunken Haze icon.png
Ability Affects
Target Unit Enemies
Drenches an enemy unit in alcohol, causing his movement speed to be reduced, and causing his attacks to have a chance to miss.
Range: 850
Radius: 10
Duration: 8 seconds on Heroes (12 on creeps)
Movement Speed Slow: 14/18/22/26%
Miss Chance: 45/55/65/75%
Cooldown 8 Mana 50
The Order of the Oyo's solution to all problems - another round!
  • Drunken Haze cannot be disjointed.
  • The small area of effect of this ability can only be noticed if there are units stacked on top of the target.

Drunken Brawler
Drunken Brawler icon.png
Ability Affects
Passive Self
Gives a chance to avoid attacks and to deal critical damage.
Dodge Chance: 10/15/20/25%
Critical Chance: 10/15/20/25%
Critical Damage: 2x
Can be used by illusions. Red critical numbers are before illusion and armor reduction.
When Mangix won his title as the Brewmaster of the Order of Oyo, he also claimed his place in the mastery of inebriation.
  • Does not stack with evasion from Butterfly, Heaven's Halberd or Talisman of Evasion.

Primal Split
Primal Split icon.png
Ability Affects
No Target Self
Splits the Brewmaster into elements, forming 3 specialized warriors, adept at survival. If any of them survive until the end of their summoned timer, the Brewmaster is reborn.
Duration: 15/17/19 (20/23/26*)
Cooldown 180/160/140 (160/140/120*) Mana 125/150/175
Can be Improved by Aghanim's Scepter (* shows the improved values). Decreases cooldown, increases duration, increases power of warriors and gives the current level of Drunken Brawler to the warriors.
It isn't clear whether Mangix is consciously aware of his potent bond with nature, as it often occurs in the midst of a drunken stupor.
  • When the spell ends, the Brewmaster takes Earth's place. If Earth is dead he takes Storm's place, and if Storm is dead he takes Fire's place.
  • All of the warriors possess the Resistant Skin passive ability. Skills that have separate effects for heroes and creeps (such as Enchantress' Enchant) will use the hero effects when targeting the warriors. Skills that affect only creeps (such as Doom Bringer's Devour) or only heroes (such as Witch Doctor's Death Ward) will not affect the warriors.
  • The Warriors are affected by Enigma's Black Hole during the duration of Brewmaster's ultimate.
  • The Earth warrior has every aura of the Brewmaster (Such as Vlads or Assault Cuirass). If the Earth warrior dies, the auras will move to Storm, then Fire. This is true for all items with an area of effect (such as Gem or Drum of Endurance).

 16pxt Earth

Earth portrait.png
Duration 15/17/19 (20/23/26*)
Hit Points 1500 / 2250 / 3000/ 3800
Mana 400 / 500 / 600 / 600
Damage 37-43 / 75-84 / 159-171 / 179-191 (Piercing damage)
Armor 5 (Heavy Armor)
Movement Speed 325
Sight Range 1800/800
Base Attack Time 1.35
Bounty 11-15/11-15/31-35/31-35*
Experience 196/242/242/242*
Notes Possesses Hurl Boulder, Spell Immunity, Pulverize, and Resistant Skin

Hurl Boulder
Hurl Boulder icon.png
Ability Affects Damage
Target Unit Enemies Magical
Throws a boulder at a unit, doing damage and stunning it.
Range: 800
Duration: 2
Damage: 100
Cooldown 7

Spell Immunity
Spell Immunity (Brewmaster) icon.png
Ability Affects
Passive Self
Immune to spells.

Pulverize icon.png
Ability Affects Damage
Passive Enemies Magical
Provides a chance to do damage in a small radius.
Radius: 150 / 250
Damage: 40 / 20
Chance: 20%

 16pxt Storm

Storm portrait.png
Duration 15/17/19 (20/23/26*)
Hit Points 1000 / 1500 / 1500 / 2400
Mana 500 / 750 / 750 / 750
Damage 37-43 / 75-84 / 159-171 / 174-186 (Piercing damage)
Armor 2 (Heavy Armor)
Movement Speed 350
Sight Range 1800/800
Missile Speed 1200
Base Attack Time 1.5
Bounty 11-15/11-15/31-35/31-35*
Experience 196/242/242/242*
Notes Possesses Dispel Magic, Cyclone, Wind Walk, and Resistant Skin

Dispel Magic
Dispel Magic icon.png
Ability Affects
Target Area Units
Damages summoned units in a small radius and purges most buffs or debuffs.
Range: 500
Area: 200
Damage to summons: 200
Cooldown 8 Mana 75
  • Does not work on Doom.

Cyclone icon.png
Ability Affects
Target Unit Units
Encloses a unit in a tornado, removing it from the battlefield.
Range: 600
Duration: 6 on heroes, 20 on creeps
Cooldown 8 Mana 150

Wind Walk
Wind Walk icon.png
Ability Affects
No Target Self
Provides temporary invisibility. Bonus movement speed and attack damage when invisible.
Duration: 20
Bonus damage: 100
Bonus movement speed: 50%
Cooldown 7 Mana 75

16pxt Fire

Fire portrait.png
Duration 15/17/19 (20/23/26*)
Hit Points 1200 / 1200 / 1200 / 1200
Damage 70 / 112 / 140 / 180
Armor 0
Movement Speed 522
Sight Range 1800/800
Base Attack Time 1.35
Bounty 11-15/11-15/31-35/31-35*
Experience 196/242/242/242*
Notes Possesses Permanent Immolation, and Resistant Skin

Permanent Immolation
Permanent Immolation (Brewmaster) icon.png
Ability Affects Damage
Passive Self Magical
Burns nearby enemy units.
Damage per second: 15/30/45
Area: 220

Recommended items

Early Game:
  • A Bracer gives him more Strength, as well as additional attack damage.

Core Items:
  • Phase Boots aids his movement, and also bulk up his attack damage. Also, it will help him chase enemy heroes and position his Thunder Clap better.
  • Magic Wand gives him bonus attributes and a good source of regeneration.
  • Drum of Endurance gives him more Strength, and additional attack and movement speed.
  • Blink Dagger, aside for improving his mobility, can help him initiate with Primal Split.

Situational Items:
  • Aghanim's Scepter makes the cooldown of Primal Split shorter and the duration of the split slightly longer, while making the elements stronger.
  • Assault Cuirass gives him more attack speed, as well as more armor.
  • Shiva's Guard gives him an additional cripple aside for Thunder Clap. As well, it gives him more armor for tankability.
  • Heart of Tarrasque helps him withstand being focused down, as well as give him more attack damage. Note that Brewmaster will heal some of his health during Primal Split.
  • Radiance gives him even more damage, as well as damage enemies around him for as long as he stands.
  • Vladmir's Offering gives him a small boost in regeneration and armor, as well as life steal upon every attack, helping him with his survivability.
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