The Radiant |
 20 + 2.65 |  15 + 1.75 |  17 + 1.8 |
Level | 1 | 16 | 25 |
Hit Points | 530 | 1309 | 2107 | Mana | 221 | 598 | 1040 | Damage | 51-61 | 92-102 | 134-144 | Armor | 4.1 | 8.06 | 12.78 | Attacks / Second | 0.67 | 0.84 | 1.04 | |
Movement Speed | 305 | Turn Rate | 0.6 | Sight Range | 1800/800 | Attack Range | Melee | Missile Speed | Instant | Attack Duration | 0.433+0.567 | Cast Duration | 0.5+1.67 | Base Attack Time | 1.7 |
Purist Thunderwrath the Omniknight is a versatile melee strength hero who can take on the role of a support or, occasionally, a semi-carry, depending on the player's play style. A holy and courageous Hero, Omniknight possesses abilities that excel at protecting and aiding friendly heroes. His heal doubles as a nuke and he can grant any friend Magic Immunity, as well as blessing allies with a physical invulnerability and regeneration. Few can escape the mighty and heavenly power of the Omniknight and he is a powerful ally in team fights. He is a mighty tank, and one of the most difficult heroes to kill.
Contents- 1 Bio
- 2 Abilities
- 3 Recommended items
Purist Thunderwrath, the Omniknight | "I have gazed into the Omniscience, and it has gazed into me." | Role: | Durable / Lane Support / Support | Lore: | Purist Thunderwrath was a hard-fighting, road-worn, deeply committed knight, sworn to the order in which he had grown up as squire to elder knights of great reputation. He had spent his entire life in the service of the Omniscience, the All Seeing One. Theirs was a holy struggle, and so embedded was he in his duty that he never questioned it so long as he had the strength to fight and the impetuous valor that comes with youth. But over the long years of the crusade, as his elders passed away and were buried in sorry graves at the side of muddy tracks, as his bond-brothers fell in battle to uncouth creatures that refused to bow to the Omniscience, as his own squires were chewed away by ambush and plague and bad water, he began to question the meaning of his vows--the meaning of the whole crusade. After deep meditation, he parted ways with his army and commenced a long trek back to the cave-riddled cliffs of Emauracus, and there he set a challenge to the priests of the Omniscience. No knight had ever questioned them before, and they tried to throw him into the pit of sacrifice, but Purist would not be moved. For as he faced them down, he began to glow with a holy light, and they saw that the Omniscience had chosen to reveal Itself to him. The Elder Hierophant led him on a journey of weeks down into the deepest chamber, the holy of holies, where waited not some abstract concept of wisdom and insight, not some carved relic requiring an injection of imagination to believe in, but the old one itself. It had not merely dwelt in those rocks for billions of aeons; no, It had created them. The Omniscience had formed the immense mineral shell of the planet around itself, as a defense against the numerous terrors of space. Thus the All Seeing One claimed to have created the world, and given the other truths revealed to Purist on that day, the knight had no reason to refute the story. Perhaps the Omniscience is a liar, deep in its prison of stone, and not the world's creator at all, but Omniknight never again questioned his faith. His campaign had meaning at last. And there can be no question that the glorious powers that imbue him, and give his companions such strength in battle, are real beyond any doubt. |
| |
Purification | | Ability | Affects | Damage |
Target Unit | Allies | Pure |
| Instantly heals a friendly unit and damages all nearby enemy units. | Range: 700 Radius: 225 Heal/Damage: 90/180/270/360 | 10 | 100/120/140/160 |
Priests of the Omniscience are adept at removing impurities from fellow warriors. Notes:
- Repelled allies cannot be targeted.
Repel | | Ability | Affects | |
Target Unit | Units | |
| Creates a powerful divine ward that blocks most magic from affecting a target unit. | Range: 500 Duration: 6/8/10/12 Effects: Grants magic immunity | 14 | 50 |
When faced with the pit of sacrifice, Purist's resilience to magic was tested and affirmed. Notes:
- Repel removes all purgeable buffs and debuffs from the target when cast.
- Unlike Magic Immunity from Black King Bar, Repel can be Purge, but only from spells that go through magic immunity and Diffusal Blade.
- Can be cast on enemy units as well as allies.
- Keep in mind you cannot cast Purification on a target under the effects of Repel.
Degen Aura | | Ability | Affects | |
Aura | Enemies | |
| Greatly degenerates the movement and attack capabilities of enemy units that stray too near. | Radius: 315 Movement Speed and Attack Speed Reduction: 7%/14%/21%/28% | The holy embodiment of Purist Thunderwrath is enough to weaken those of lesser faith. Notes:
- Exceptionally small area of effect for an aura.
Guardian Angel | | Ability | Affects | |
No Target | Allies | |
| Omniknight summons a Guardian Angel that grants immunity from physical damage and greatly increases hit point regeneration of nearby allies. | Duration: 5/6/7 Health Regen: 25 Radius: 600 (Global*) | 150 | 125/175/250 |
Affects buildings and gives global effect. |
The All Seeing One casts down his protection over those that Purist calls friend. Notes:
- Affects allies with Magic Immunity.
- Affects on buildings that are Glyph.
Recommended items
| Starting | | | Early-game | | | Core | | | Situational | |
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