The Radiant |
Level | 1 | 16 | 25 |
Hit Points | 587 | 1385 | 2183 | Mana | 182 | 455 | 845 | Damage | 54-56 | 96-98 | 138-140 | Armor | 1.94 | 6.42 | 11.46 | Attacks / Second | 0.71 | 0.9 | 1.11 | |
Movement Speed | 295 | Turn Rate | 0.6 | Sight Range | 1800/800 | Attack Range | Melee | Missile Speed | Instant | Attack Duration | 0.4+0.3 | Cast Duration | 0.3+0.51 | Base Attack Time | 1.7 |
Sven the Rogue Knight is a melee strength Hero with high physical damage potential and an effective disable. He can fulfill various roles, but is mostly played as a support or a semi-carry due to his high utility even without items. He also has great gank potential due to his shouts that grant buffs and his stun which cannot be dodged. With enough items, Sven has the potential to be a strong late-game carry due to his ultimate which increases his damage and his passive which allows him to hit multiple targets at once. He is a formidable foe and his versatility makes the Rogue Knight a great asset to any team.
Contents- 1 Bio
- 2 Abilities
- 3 Recommended items
Sven, the Rogue Knight | "May my enemies share the fate of the Shattered Helm." | Role: | Disabler / Initiator / Carry / Support | | Sven is the bastard son of a Vigil Knight, born of a Pallid Meranth, raised in the Shadeshore Ruins. With his father executed for violating the Vigil Codex, and his mother shunned by her wild race, Sven believes that honor is to be found in no social order--but only in himself. After tending his mother through a lingering death, he offered himself as a novice to the Vigil Knights, never revealing his identity. For thirteen years he studied in his father's school, mastering the rigid code that declared his existence an abomination. Then, on the day that should have been his In-Swearing, he seized the Outcast Blade, shattered the Sacred Helm, and burned the Codex in the Vigil's Holy Flame. He strode from Vigil Keep, forever solitary, following his private code to the last strict rune. Still a knight, yes...but a Rogue Knight. |
| |
Storm Hammer | | Ability | Affects | Damage |
Target Unit | Enemies | Magical |
| Sven unleashes his magical gauntlet that deals damage and stuns enemy units. | Range: 600 Stun Duration: 2 Radius: 255 Damage: 100/175/250/325 | 15 | 140 |
Only blocked if target on holder. |
The Rogue Knight's iron gauntlet, taken from the school of his father, strikes his foes to their core. Notes:
- The targeting reticule must be centered over an enemy unit.
- Unlike most directly targeted projectiles, Storm Hammer cannot be dodged or disjointed by blinking or moving away.
Great Cleave | | Ability | Affects | |
Passive | Enemies | |
| Sven strikes with great force, cleaving all nearby enemy units with his attack.
Cleave damage on non-primary targets is not reduced by armor values. | Radius: 300 Cleave Damage: 20%/35%/50%/65% | The Vigil Knights still seek to reclaim the stolen Outcast Blade from Sven, a weapon capable of cutting wide swaths through lesser warriors. Notes:
- Cleave damage is reduced by armor type but not by armor value.
- Cleave damage goes through magic immunity.
- The cleave damages a circular area in front of Sven.
- As with all cleave, Great Cleave stacks with Battle Fury.
Warcry | | Ability | Affects | |
No Target | Allies | |
| Sven's Warcry heartens his allies for battle, increasing their movement speed and armor. Lasts 7 seconds. | Duration: 7 Bonus Armor: 4/8/12/16 Bonus Movement Speed: 12% Radius: 900 | 36/30/24/18 | 25 |
Calling a few lines from the Vigil Codex fortifies Sven's obedience to his rogue code. So poetic! Notes:
- Fully stacks with other armor and speed granting abilities.
- Fully stacks with other abilities and items that give a bonus to movement speed.
God's Strength | | Ability | Affects | |
No Target | Self | |
| Sven channels his rogue strength, granting bonus damage for 25 seconds. | Duration: 25 Bonus Damage: 100%/150%/200% | 80 | 100/150/200 |
With the strength that shattered the Sacred Helm, the Rogue Knight stands unopposed in melee combat. Notes:
- Only increases base damage and that given by the primary attribute of Sven. Raw bonus damage is not increased.
- Has a 0.3 seconds transformation time.
- Unlike Original Dota, in Dota 2 God's Strength does not dodge projectiles
Recommended items
| Starting | | | Early-game | | | Core | | | Situational | |
- Sven needs Tangoes and/or Healing Salves for initial health regeneration. Clarity potions are also useful due to Sven's small mana pool and large mana cost on Storm Hammer. Gauntlets of Strength help Sven hit harder and provide a small boost to his health pool, while Iron Branches boost his overall stats.
- A Bracer is recommended for better lane performance, especially when falling behind on experience or if facing constant harassment. A Magic Stick is also a great choice due to Sven's short attack range and the high mana cost of Storm Hammer.
- Magic Wand is a good choice to consolidate Magic Stick's functionality and the minor stat boost when starting with Iron Branches. Power Treads synergize well with Sven's build due to the bonuses in attack speed and its requirement of Belt of Strength. Black King Bar is arguably the most important core item for Sven. Its boost in strength and damage will greatly increase Sven's effectiveness while taking and doing damage, and the magic immunity also shields Sven from stuns.
- Building Sven for the late game depends on the challenges your team faces and your team composition. If building a durable Sven, a Drum of Endurance with a Blink Dagger will enable Sven to quickly get into combat and survive team fights. Consider a Heart of Tarrasque which will increase Sven survivability and an Assault Cuirass which will allow Sven to take more physical damage while hitting faster. If building a carry Sven, a Daedalus will provide the damage and critical chance needed to make Sven extremely deadly at melee range. Coupled with Mask of Madness, Sven will be able to deal damage very quickly and to multiple targets at once with his Great Cleave.
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