Home » » Clockwerk


Written By Unknown on Jumat, 06 September 2013 | 20.06

Radiant icon.png The Radiant
24 + 2.7
13 + 2.3
17 + 1.3
Level 11625
Hit Points 606 1404 2202
Mana 221 494 884
Damage 55-57 97-99 139-141
Armor 1.826.9312.35
Attacks / Second 0.66 0.871.1
Movement Speed 315
Turn Rate 0.6
Sight Range 1800/800
Attack Range Melee
Missile Speed Instant
Attack Duration 0.33+0.64
Cast Duration0.3+0.51
Base Attack Time 1.7
Rattletrap the Clockwerk is a melee strength hero commonly played as an initiator or ganker while inflicting high damage per second. As an initiator, his main purpose is crowd control. However, he also does secondary jobs such as chasing and map control. His abilities are centered around destroying enemies one by one, while still being able to control all other enemies so he goes uninterrupted. He does not deal reliable area damage like most initiators, but still he is capable of doing a surprising and devastating entrance. His job after initiating is to focus on a single, scary enemy hero that the team would loathe such as a carry, after which he will try to take down enemies that are trying to get away. He also has good map control because he can gain sight to any part of the map at will.


  • 1 Bio
  • Abilities
  • Recommended items


Clockwerk Rattletrap, the Clockwerk
 "Play A good offense is the best armor. Good armor is also good armor."
Role: Pip initiator.png Initiator / Pip tank.png Durable
Rattletrap descends from the same far-flung kindred as Sniper and Tinker, and like many of the Keen Folk, has offset his diminutive stature through the application of gadgetry and wit. The son of the son of a clockmaker, Rattletrap was many years apprenticed to that trade before war rode down from the mountains and swept the plains villages free of such innocent vocations. “Your new trade is battle,” his dying father told him as the village of their ancestors lay in charred and smoking ruins.

It is a poor tradesman who blames his tools, and Rattletrap was never one to make excuses. After burying his father among the ruins of their village, he set about to transform himself into the greatest tool of warfare that any world had ever seen. He vowed to never again be caught unprepared, instead using his talents to assemble a suit of powered Clockwerk armor to make the knights of other lands look like tin cans by comparison. Now Rattletrap is alive with devices—a small but deadly warrior whose skills at ambush and destruction have risen to near-automated levels of efficiency. An artisan of death, his mechanizations make short work of the unwary, heralding a new dawn in this age of warfare. What time is it? It's Clockwerk time!


Battery Assault
Battery Assault icon.png
Ability Affects Damage
No Target Enemies Magical
Discharges high-powered shrapnel at random nearby enemy units, dealing minor magical damage and ministun.
Radius: 275
Duration: 10.5
Interval: 0.7
Damage: 15/35/55/75
Cooldown 32/28/24/20 Mana 75
Some of Rattletrap's contraptions don't quite work correctly, so detonating them proves useful as an offensive maneuver.
  • Remains active even if Clockwerk is disabled.
  • Discharges a total of 16 shrapnel.
  • Total damage: 240/560/880/1200.
  • Does not hit invisible units.
  • Mini-stun duration is 0.2 seconds.

Power Cogs
Power Cogs icon.png
Ability Affects Damage
No Target Enemies Magical
Forms a barrier of energized cogs around Clockwerk, trapping any units that are near. Enemies outside the trap that touch a cog are knocked back, losing health and mana. Once a cog has delivered a shock, it will power down. Cogs can be destroyed by enemies in 3 attacks, but Clockwerk can destroy them with just one.
Radius: 210
Duration: 5/6/7/8
Life and Mana Drained: 80/120/160/200
Cooldown 15 Mana 50/60/70/80
One of Clockwerk's inventions of which he is most proud is the power cog - though it is sometimes despised by his allies.
  • Cogs can shock invisible units.
  • Enemies that are knocked back are mini-stunned.
  • Knocks back enemies 252 units at a speed of 300 units.
  • Mini-stun duration is 0.84 seconds.
  • Cogs give no gold when destroyed

Rocket Flare
Rocket Flare icon.png
Ability Affects Damage
Target Point Enemies Magical
Fires a global range flare that explodes over a given area, damaging enemies and providing vision for 10 seconds.
Range: Global
Radius: 575
Duration: 10
Damage: 80/120/160/200
Cooldown 20/18/16/14 Mana 50
What started as a festive display has become a useful scouting and bombardment tool.
  • Does not kill enemy animal couriers.
  • Gives vision in a 600 radius.
  • The flare travels at a speed of 1500. 
  • Can block creep camps if timed correctly.

Hookshot icon.png
Ability Affects Damage
Target Point Enemies Magical
Fires a grappling device rapidly at the target location. If the hook hits a non-neutral enemy unit, Clockwerk launches himself into the target, stunning and dealing damage. Any enemies Clockwerk collides with along the way are subject to damage and stunned. If the hook collides with an allied unit, Clockwerk moves to the allied unit.
Range: 2000/2500/3000
Radius: 125/175**
Stun Duration: 1/1.5/2
Damage: 100/200/300
Cooldown 70/55/40 (12*) Mana 150
Partially blocked by Magic Immunity. Damage is blocked.
Can be Improved by Aghanim's Scepter (* shows the improved values). Decreases cooldown.
A somewhat unwieldy device, the Hookshot sends the otherwise clunky Clockwerk armor flying through the air.
  • (**) Latch/stun radius
  • Magic immunity will block damage, but not the latch or stun.
  • The allied unit will not get disabled or damaged.
  • The hook travels at a speed of 4000/5000/6000
  • The affected enemy will be paused until the hook retracts.
  • Colliding with a neutral creep will stop the hook for no effect.
  • Clockwerk is silenced while travelling, so attempting to activate another ability mid-flight will not queue it for use when he arrives.

Recommended items

  • Starting Items: Clockwerk is a strong ganker who can safely deal with either a solo sidelane or midlane. Clockwerk is heavily reliant on his abilities early, but thankfully they have relatively low manacosts, meaning Clockwerk should focus on bulking up early. A Tango and a Healing Salve, along with either a Stout Shield or Gauntlets of Strength for an added boost of survivability, and either Iron Branches or Clarity. He may also save up some gold for him to get his Bottle early, especially if he is played as a midlane Hero. Magic Stick can suffice on Clockwerk since low charges can be enough to fill up his mana for an ability.
  • Early Game: Boots of Speed allows Clockwerk to stay in range for Battery Assault and Power Cogs. If the player decides to get Bottle, then boots should always go second. It is up to the player to decide if he or she wishes to get Bracer in order to build into a Drum of Endurance, or go for an Urn of Shadows in order to gank more effectively.
  • Core Items: Arcane Boots are Clockwerks boots of choice as they allow him to spam his spells and dominate early/mid game. Phase Boots are an okay alternative if you can't land hooks. A Magic Wand gives Clockwerk the ability to shrug off some damage in early fights, and combined with a Blademail will make Clockwerk very tanky.
  • Luxury Items: Aghanim's Scepter and Heart of Tarrasque are definitely items to look forward to when all the necessary items are taken care of. Scepter significantly reduces Hookshot's cooldown, which allows him to initiate and constantly stun one or multiple enemies over the course of a fight. Heart is definitely a great item on Clockwerk. Clockwerk needs to be a strong tank, and needs to be up close and personal to be able to deliver any impact, and Heart does the job quite nicely. Shiva's Guard also increases Clockwerk's utility, allowing him to have greater area presence. Clockwerk's strong raw damage output and good animation also makes him a candidate for Radiance. The ability that the item offers also synergises very well with all of his abilities, as he is able to stay or get close to any opponent no matter what they do.
  • Unmentioned Items: One of the best items that Clockwerk would, and probably, should have is Necronomicon. The summons made by item deliver so much synergy with Clockwerk's abilities. The mana burn provided will make sure they will be unable to escape, and the true sight ability allows the Hero to keep on hitting Battery Assault even if the opponent is invisible. Clockwerk's pros comes from his ability to farm well, while lacking any item dependence. He is a great carrier for support items, and he can especially make use of Pipe of Insight to its fullest. The added hp regeneration plus its anti-magic shell ability allows not only himself, but also his team to sustain more magic damage. A good boots upgrade substitute is Boots of Travel. Clockwerk has great pushing potential, and the added movement speed helps with his chasing ability - a skill he needs to pull of Battery Assault properly. Black King Bar and Linken's Sphere are also good anti-caster items for Clockwerk. Force Staff is also a good choice to be able to quickly escape your own cogs, while leaving opponents trapped inside. This is especially useful against heroes that can rapidly deal melee damage (e.g. Slardar, Alchemist, Lifestealer,etc).
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