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Written By Unknown on Jumat, 06 September 2013 | 17.58

Radiant icon.png The Radiant
24 + 3.0
9 + 0.9
14 + 1.6
Level 11625
Hit Points 606 1499 2354
Mana 182 520 936
Damage 61-67 108-114 153-159
Armor 0.262.436.08
Attacks / Second 0.64 0.720.88
Movement Speed 285
Turn Rate 0.5
Sight Range 1800/800
Attack Range Melee
Missile Speed Instant
Attack Duration 0.49+1
Cast Duration0.001+0
Base Attack Time 1.7
Tiny the Stone Giant is a melee Strength hero with powerful ganking and killing potential. Although he starts off vulnerable in lane with his pitiful mana pool and almost non-existent armor, with a few levels, he gets considerably stronger. His killing power in the early and midgame comes from comboing his two active abilities. Avalanche engulfs an area in a wave of stones, dealing respectable damage and stunning enemies. Toss allows Tiny to pick up a random unit near himself and launch it at the designated location up to a hefty distance away, dealing damage to all enemies at the location as well as additional damage to the thrown target if it was an enemy. It can be used to displace an ally within the enemy team, but is mostly used on enemies themselves to deliver massive damage. If chained immediately with Avalanche, it will also double the damage the target takes from Avalanche, allowing Tiny to easily dispatch fragile enemy heroes in a matter of seconds. Although his nuking potential with his two active abilities is already considerable, his passives, Craggy Exterior and Grow turn Tiny into a formidable physical combatant as well. Craggy Exterior provides Tiny with some much needed armor, and gives him a chance to stun enemies that attack him from too close, making Tiny a potent counter to fast-attacking melee heroes. Grow increases Tiny's size and provides him a massive boost to his attack damage, movespeed, and Toss damage, at the cost of some attack speed. Aghanim's Scepter is an almost essential item on Tiny since it allows him to permanently equip a tree, giving him extra attack range as well as a powerful cleaving attack. Although Tiny initially lives up to his name by starting off small and weak, much like an avalanche, he quickly grows in size and strength until he becomes a hulking behemoth with enormous health and damage output.


  • 1 Bio
  • 2 Abilities
  • 3 Recommended items


Tiny Tiny, the Stone Giant
 "Play My enemies break upon me like surf upon the stone."
Role: Pip disabler.png Disabler / Pip ganker.png Nuker / Pip initiator.png Initiator / Pip tank.png Durable
Coming to life as a chunk of stone, Tiny's origins are a mystery on which he continually speculates. He is a Stone Giant now, but what did he use to be? A splinter broken from a Golem's heel? A shard swept from a gargoyle-sculptor's workshop? A fragment of the Oracular Visage of Garthos? A deep curiosity drives him, and he travels the world tirelessly seeking his origins, his parentage, his people. As he roams, he gathers weight and size; the forces that weather lesser rocks, instead cause Tiny to grow and ever grow.


Avalanche icon.png
Ability Affects Damage
Target Point Enemies Magical
Bombards an area with rocks, stunning and damaging enemy land units.
Range: 600
Radius: 275
Stun Duration: 1
Damage: 100/180/260/300
Cooldown 17 Mana 120
Inanimate rock becomes animate when called by the Stone Giant. 
  • An enemy under the effects of both Toss and Avalanche will take double damage from Avalanche.
  • Avalanche deals four instances of damage, dealing 1/4th the total damage in each instance.
  • While the duration of the stun from Avalanche is 1 second after the spell finishes, Avalanche itself lasts for 1 second, meaning units hit by it will be stunned for a full two seconds.

    Toss icon.png
    Ability Affects Damage
    Target Unit or rune Enemies Magical
    Grabs a random unit in a 275 radius around Tiny, friend or enemy, and launches it at the target unit to deal damage where they land. If the tossed unit is an enemy, it will take an extra 20% damage. Toss does more damage as Tiny's size increases.
    Tossed Unit Extra Damage: 20%
    Toss Duration: 1
    Damage Radius: 275
    Pickup Radius: 275
    Range: 1300
    Damage: 75/150/225/300
    Cooldown 9 Mana 120
    Partially blocked by Magic Immunity. All damage is blocked but a unit can still be tossed.
    Tiny's gargantuan stature allows him to catapult even the sturdiest of warriors.
    • An enemy under the effects of both Toss and Avalanche will take double damage from Avalanche.
    • Toss picks a random unit within 275 radius to throw. Unit may be allied. Allies will take no damage.
    • Damages structures.
    • Tiny can Toss a magic immune (non-mechanical) unit, however damage is not applied.
    • Breaks channelling abilities of the tossed (allied/enemy) unit. Even prematurely ends Juggernaut's Blade Fury.
    • Does not trigger Linken's Sphere of the tossed enemy unit.
    • With no point in Grow, the tossed enemy takes 90/180/270/360 damage.
    • With 1 point in Grow, the tossed enemy takes 101.25/202.5/303.75/405 (112.5/225/337.5/450*) damage.
    • With 2 points in Grow, the tossed enemy takes 112.5/225/337.5/450 (123.75/247.5/371.25/495*) damage.
    • With 3 points in Grow, the tossed enemy takes 123.75/247.5/371.25/495 (135/270/405/540*) damage.

      Craggy Exterior
      Craggy Exterior icon.png
      Ability Affects Damage
      Passive Enemies Magical
      Causes damage to bounce back on Tiny's attackers. Enemies that attack Tiny from within 300 units have a chance of being stunned for 1.2 seconds.
      Stun Duration: 1.2
      Stun Chance: 6%/12%/18%/24%
      Bonus Armor: 2/3/4/5
      Range: 300
      Damage: 25/35/45/55
      Melee warriors tend to find attacking the Stone Giant largely ineffective. 
      • Works on physical attacks within 300 range of Tiny.
      • The stun and damage occur at the beginning of the attack.
      • Will not reveal invisible heroes.

      Grow icon.png
      Ability Affects
      Passive Self
      Tiny gains craggy mass that increases his power at the cost of his attack speed. Increases Tossed unit damage and improves movement speed.
      Bonus Damage: 50/100/150
      Attack Speed Loss: 20/35/50
      Movement Speed Increase: 20/40/60
      Toss Bonus Damage: 35%/50%/65% (50%/65%/80%*)
      Not blocked by Magic Immunity. Aghanim's cleave cannot be blocked.
      Not blocked by Linken's Sphere. Aghanim's cleave cannot be blocked.
      Partially usable by illusions. Illusions can benefit from the damage given from Grow because it is considered base damage. Illusions can benefit from the bonus attack range Aghanim's Scepter gives but cannot use the cleave or the bonus damage versus buildings.
      Can be Improved by Aghanim's Scepter (* shows the improved values). Allows Tiny to equip a tree, increasing his attack range, damage versus buildings, and granting a cleave attack. Improves Tossed unit damage.
      Watching a hill become a mountain is awe-inspiring - especially if the mountain begins laying waste to adversaries.
      • Allies still take no damage from Toss.
      • If Aghanim's Scepter is purchased, Tiny will equip a tree, regardless of level. However, he will not experience improved Toss damage, attack range, or Cleave until Grow is leveled at least once.
      • Aghanim's Scepter increases attack range to 235, gives 50% cleave in a 400 radius, and deals 75% bonus damage to structures.

      Recommended items

      • Purchasing a Clarity or two at the start of the game will help offset Tiny's tiny mana pool.
      • Getting Arcane Boots early in the game will help you maximize usage of the Avalanche/Toss combo.
      • Blink Dagger is a commonly built item on Tiny. Used in conjunction with the Avalanche/Toss combo, it can cause massive burst damage to one or more enemy heroes.
      • Purchasing Aghanim's Scepter grants Tiny a cleave, extra auto-attack damage against buildings, extra auto-attack range, and increased Toss damage. If playing Tiny as a hard carry by utilizing the bonus damage granted by Grow, grabbing this item can greatly increase your effectiveness in pushing and teamfights.
      • While Tiny is granted great bonus damage granted by Grow, keep in mind that as he puts points into Grow, his auto-attack speed also decreases. Once you have a few key items (such as the aforementioned Aghanim's Scepter and tier two boots), grab items that grant attack speed for increased effectiveness. Drum of Endurance and Assault Cuirass are two excellent choices, as they also grant Tiny some defensive stats and utility for the entire team with their auras.
      • An alternative build to the common Blink Dagger approach is to rush a Yasha. The Yasha grants movement speed, attack speed, and armor from the Agility gain. The movement speed allows him to position more effectively, while the attack speed synergizes with Grow and allows it to be purchased earlier. This often combos into the Aghanim's Scepter pickup.
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