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Written By Unknown on Minggu, 08 September 2013 | 11.28

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Banehallow the Lycan is a melee strength hero who is capable of high endurance, immense physical damage, and considerable movement speed, who also excels at pushing buildings and bolstering his team's damage. He is capable of spawning high-speed wolves who are excellent at chasing down escaping enemies or destroying enemy towers. His Howl and Feral Impulse abilities increase the allied attack power, while his Shapeshift allows Lycanthrope himself to join in the chase.
Dire icon.png The Dire
22 + 2.75
16 + 1.9
17 + 1.55
Level 11625
Hit Points 568 1385 2202
Mana 221 546 962
Damage 58-62 101-105 144-148
Armor 3.247.5112.42
Attacks / Second 0.68 0.851.06
Movement Speed 305
Turn Rate 0.5
Sight Range 1800/800
Attack Range Melee
Missile Speed Instant
Attack Duration 0.55+0.55
Cast Duration0.3+0.51
Base Attack Time 1.7


  • 1 Bio
  • 2 Abilities
  • 3 Lycan Wolf
  • 4 Recommended items


Lycan Banehallow, the Lycan
 "Play Sheep may talk peace with a wolf, but the wolf always answers the same. No."
Role: Pip carry.png Carry / Pip jungler.png Jungler / Pip pusher.png Pusher / Pip tank.png Durable
Banehallow was noble-born to the house of Ambry, the greatest of the landed castes in the old kingdom of Slom. Before the Fall, as the King’s wants grew strange, and his court grew crowded with sorcerers and charlatans, the house of Ambry was the first to rise against the avarice of the throne. No longer willing to pay homage and fealty, they instead sent six-thousand swords into the capital, where they were wiped out in the Massacre of the Apostates. And then came the teeth behind the old truth: When you strike a king’s neck, you had better take his head. Enraged by the betrayal, the king exterminated the vast Ambry bloodline, sparing only the lord of the house and his youngest son, Banehallow. Before all the royal court, with the disgraced lord chained to the ornate marble floor, the King bade his magicians transform the boy into a wolf so that he might tear out his own father’s throat. “Do this,” the king said, “so that Lord Ambry will understand the bite of betrayal.” Powerful magic was invoked, and the child was transformed. But though his body was changed, his spirit remained intact, and instead of biting the exposed neck of his father, he attacked his handlers, tearing them to pieces. A dozen of the King’s knights perished under the wolf’s teeth before they managed to drive it off into the night. Lord Ambry laughed from his chains even as the King ran him through with a sword. Now the heir to the lost house of Ambry, Banehallow wanders the trail as the Lycan, part warrior, part wolf, in search of justice for all that he lost.


Summon Wolves
Summon Wolves icon.png
Ability Affects
No Target Units
Summons two wolves to fight for Lycanthrope. Level 2-4 wolves have Critical Strike, and level 4 wolves have permanent invisibility.
Duration: 55
Cooldown 30 Mana 145
The very enchantment that twisted his being also summons canine familiars.
  • If wolves are summoned during the duration of Howl, they will receive the damage bonus until the duration is up.

Howl icon.png
Ability Affects
No Target Allies
Grants bonus damage to Lycanthrope, all allied heroes, and all units under their control.
Hero Bonus Damage: 20/30/40/50
Unit Bonus Damage: 4/8/12/16
Area of Effect: Global
Duration: 12
Cooldown 50/45/40/35 Mana 15/20/25/30
Blood-curdling wolf cries signal to opponents that Lycanthrope is among them.

Feral Impulse
Feral Impulse icon.png
Ability Affects
Aura Allies
Increases the damage and attack speed of Lycanthrope and all units under his control.
Bonus Damage: 15%/20%/25%/30%
Bonus Attack Speed: 15/20/25/30
Radius: 900
Partially usable by illusions. Illusions carry the aura but can't benefit from the bonuses.
His animalistic symbiosis with canine kind gives Lycanthrope enhanced reflexes and hunting capabilities.
  • Affects all units under the Lycanthrope's control, not just himself and his wolves.

Shapeshift icon.png
Ability Affects
No Target Self
Lycanthrope assumes his true form, increasing his combat capabilities. During Shapeshift, Lycanthrope and all units under his control move at maximum speed and cannot be slowed.
Bonus Health: 100/200/300
Bonus Armor: 1
Base Attack Time: 1.5
Critical Strike Chance: 30%
Critical Strike Damage: 1.7×
Day/Night Sight Range: 1800/1800
Duration: 18
Cooldown 100/70/40 Mana 100
Partially usable by illusions. Illusions created after this skill is used will be in wolf form and gain all benefits but the bonus armor. Red critical numbers are before illusion and armor reduction. They will stay in Shapeshift for 18 seconds starting when they are created, but if Shapeshift ends on the original Lycanthrope the maximum movement speed will be lost. Illusions created before this skill is used will be in human form and only get the maximum movement speed while the original Lycanthrope is in Shapeshift.
Forever a slave to his lycanthropy, Banehallow has come to accept his curse, and embrace his own savagery.
  • Cannot be slowed by any spell, including Purge.
  • If hexed, Lycanthrope continues to move at maximum movement speed.
  • All his summons including those from Necronomicon and Helm of the Dominator get the same movement speed
  • Lycanthrope's collision size is lowered in this state.

    Lycan Wolf

    Lycan Wolf
    Lycan Wolf.png
    Duration55 seconds
    Hit Points200 / 240 / 280 / 320
    Damage17-18 / 27-30 /
    34-40 / 43-49
    Armor1 (Heavy)
    Movement Speed 400 / 420 / 440 / 460
    Sight Range1200/800
    Attack RangeMelee
    Attack Duration0.33+0.64
    Base Attack Time 1.25 / 1.2 / 1.15 / 1.1
    Bounty21 / 26 / 36 / 41
    NotesLevel 2: Critical Strike.
    Level 4: Invisibility.
    50% magic resistance

    Critical Strike
    Lycan Summon Wolves Critical Strike icon.png
    Ability Affects
    Passive Units
    Gives a chance to deal bonus damage.
    Critical Chance: 30%
    Critical Damage: 1.7×

    Lycan Summon Wolves Invisibility icon.png
    Ability Affects
    Passive Self
    Permanently invisible when not attacking.
    Fade time: 3

    Recommended items

    Starting Items:
    • Quelling Blade helps Lycanthrope farm, especially if he starts in the jungle.
    • Ring of Protection gives some early durability and eventually builds into Vladmir's Offering

    Early Game:
    • Vladmir's Offering gives lifesteal, damage, and armor in an aura, so his wolves get more powerful as well. The mana regeneration also helps with his small mana pool.

    Core Items:
    • Power Treads give you movement speed, attack speed, and some extra damage and durability if you set them to give strength.
    • Black King Bar is useful on many melee heroes. Lycanthrope is no exception as more strength and temporary magic immunity let him get to his target and deal more damage when he gets there.

    Situational Items:
    • Necronomicon is an amazing item for pushing and paired up with Howl, Feral Impulse, and Vladimir's Offering it actually provides more DPS than any other item that Lycan can get - provided the Necronomicon units don't get killed.
    • Assault Cuirass gives armor, attack speed to Lycanthrope and his allies (including his wolves), and reduces opponents' armor.
    • Desolator helps push down buildings, as well as amplify damage done by wolves.
    • Heaven's Halberd gives Lycanthrope's attacks a chance to maim, slowing opponents and helping him chase them down.
    • Heart of Tarrasque greatly increases health and health regeneration, as well as 40 damage, allowing Lycanthrope to tank more effectively. It is especially strong on Lycan thanks to his slipperiness - Lycan can run out of a fight at very low HP and come back into the fight after a short rest.
    • Abyssal Blade gives a massive amount of damage and gives hard cc, that help chasing enemies down.
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