Home » » Elder Titan

Elder Titan

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 07 September 2013 | 09.11

Elder Titan
Elder Titan.png
Radiant icon.png The Radiant
24 + 2.3
14 + 1.5
23 + 1.6
Level 11625
Hit Points 606 1290 2031
Mana 299 637 1053
Damage 47-57 83-93 122-132
Armor 2.966.3910.8
Attacks / Second 0.67 0.811
Movement Speed 315
Turn Rate 0.4
Sight Range 1800/800
Attack Range Melee
Missile Speed Instant
Attack Duration 0.35+0.97
Cast Duration0.4+0.8
Base Attack Time 1.7
The Elder Titan is a durable melee strength hero who plays the role of initiator. His Astral Spirit and Echo Stomp abilities allow him to disable large groups of enemies from afar, making him one of the few initiators that does not require a Blink Dagger. This combination creates a perfect setup for his powerful ultimate Earth Splitter, which damages enemies based on their maximum HP. This, along with his ability to lower his enemies' physical and magical resistance, makes Elder Titan scale well through his abilities and be effective at all stages of the game. As the progenitor of this world, Elder Titan reshapes the battlefield on a whim and can turn any teamfight in his favor.


  • 1 Bio
  • 2 Abilities
  • 3 Recommended items


Elder Titan Elder Titan, the Worldsmith
 "It is only right that I am cast into this world, for I had a hand in breaking it."
Role: Pip initiator.png Initiator / Pip tank.png Durable
Well may you ask, "How did this world take its form?" Why of all the worlds in creation, has this one its strange properties, its diverse and motley collection of creatures, cultures and lore? "The answer," One whispers, "lies with the Titans."
These original progenitors were there near the Beginning--if not actual witnesses to the creation, then born with it still echoing in their ears. Stamped with the earliest energies of the universe, they wished nothing more than to continue as creators themselves. Thus they bent to the task of shaping matter to their will: hammering and heating, bending and blasting. And when matter proved less challenging than they liked, they turned their tools upon themselves, reshaping their minds and reforging their spirits until they had become beings of great endurance. Reality itself became the ultimate object of their smithing. Yet, along the way, they sometimes erred. In cases of great ambition, mistakes are unavoidable.

The one we know as the Elder Titan was a great innovator, one who studied at the forge of creation. In honing his skills, he shattered something that could never be repaired, only thrown aside. He fell into his own broken world, a shattered soul himself. There he dwelt among the jagged shards and fissured planes, along with other lost fragments that had sifted down through the cracks in the early universe. And this is why the world we know resembles an isle of castaways, survivors of a wreck now long forgotten. Forgotten, that is, by all but the One who blames himself. He spends his time forever seeking a way to accomplish the repairs, that he might rejoin the parts of his broken soul, that we and the world alike might all be mended. This is the One we know as Elder Titan.


Echo Stomp
Echo Stomp icon.png
Ability Affects Damage
No Target Enemies Physical/Magical
Elder Titan and his Astral Spirit both stomp the ground, damaging and knocking nearby enemy units unconscious around their locations. The Elder Titan stomp deals physical damage, while the Spirit stomp deals magical damage. Unconscious enemies will wake if they take player based damage.
Channel Time: 1.4
Radius: 475
Knock-out Duration: 2/3/4/5
Damage: 80
Cooldown 15 Mana 100/115/130/145
Partially blocked by Magic Immunity. Sleep and damage from Astral Spirit are blocked, damage from Elder Titan is not.
The force of creation still echoes in the stomp of the Titan.
  • If you use this ability while Astral Spirit is not summoned, he will appear at Elder Titan's position and augment his Echo Stomp with magical damage. The area of effect is not changed or increased, and the Spirit disappears after the cast.
  • This is a channeling ability.

Astral Spirit
Astral Spirit icon.png
Ability Affects Damage
Target Point Enemies Magical
Elder Titan sends forth his Astral Spirit, damaging any units it passes through. When the spirit rejoins the Titan, it grants bonus damage and movement speed for each unit it damaged. The Astral Spirit possesses the Echo Stomp, Return Spirit, and Natural Order abilities.
Radius: 275
Casting Range: 1200
Duration: 8
Buff Duration: 9
Damage: 120/160/200/240
Bonus Movement Speed: 1% per creep + 5% per Hero
Bonus Damage: 3/6/9/12 per creep + 10/20/30/40 per Hero
Cooldown 16 Mana 110
Partially blocked by Magic Immunity. Damage is blocked, but bonus from per unit can be stacked.
Like the four fundamentals, Elder Titan exists across all planes at once and can draw other aspects of himself to assist in times of need.
  • The spirit spawns at a target location up to a distance of 1200 from Elder Titan.
  • The spirit is controllable by Elder Titan until the end of its duration.
  • The spirit can move over impassable terrain.
  • The spirit cannot intercept Pudge's Meat Hook.

Return Astral Spirit
Return Astral Spirit icon.png
No Target
Returns the Astral Spirit to Elder Titan.
Natural Order
Natural Order icon.png
Ability Affects
Aura Enemies
Reduces all elements to their basic levels, removing base armor and magic resistance from nearby enemy units.
Radius: 275
Armor Reduction: 25%/50%/75%/100%
Magical Damage Amplification: 8%/16%/25%/33%
As it was at the beginning, Elder Titan makes it so again.
  • Armor reduction only applies to base armor and armor gained via agility
  • 33% bonus magical damage, will essentially negate natural magic resistance of enemy heroes.

Earth Splitter
Earth Splitter icon.png
Ability Affects Damage
Target Point Enemies Physical/Magical
Sends forth a jagged crack in front of Elder Titan. After 3 seconds, the crack implodes, slowing and pulling them towards the crack while dealing damage based on the maximum life of units caught in the area.
Area: 300 (width) / 2400 (distance)
Casting Range: 1600
Movement Speed Slow: 30%/40%/50%
Slow Duration: 3/4/5
Damage: 35% of target's maximum health
Cooldown 100 Mana 175
Partially blocked by Magic Immunity. Slow and pull are blocked. damage is only half blocked.
Partially blocked by Linken's Sphere. Blocks slow, but neither damage nor pull is blocked.
That which he created, the titan tears asunder.
  • Damage type: magical (50%), physical (50%) 
  • The crack extends with a speed of 900.

Recommended items


  • A Tango and a Salve are taken to counteract any harassment faced in lane. Two Gauntlets of Strength to increase health pool and damage, as well as building into Urn of Shadows and Iron Branch give more comprehensive stat bonuses and built into Magic Wand
  • Magic Stick gives reliable means of counteracting ability-based harassment and builds into Magic Wand. Urn of Shadows provides mana regeneration to make sure Elder Titan can use his abilities more regularly and reliably as well as providing a heal for after fights and ganks.
  • Power Treads are taken to improve durability and attack speed, as Elder Titan already has moderate attack damage. Magic Wand is a useful upgrade of Magic Stick and Hood of Defiance is taken in accordance with his role as a tank, providing spell resistance needed to outlast enemy nukers.
  • Pipe of Insight is very useful teamfight item which Elder Titan can easily get following Hood of Defiance. Assault Cuirass provides an aura that synchronizes well with his Natural Order ability and is useful to team mates. Shiva's Guard helps to keep enemies in Earth Splitter's or Echo Stomp's AoE as well as improving durability further. Blade Mail is useful if Elder Titan is the main initiator/tank and will subsequently take the first wave of damage from the enemy, allowing him to cripple more fragile heroes. Drum of Endurance is another useful aura for the Elder Titan to provide his allies with, as well as providing useful stat bonuses. Scythe of Vyse provides a more reliable disable for him as well as mana and mana regeneration which is useful for maintaining a presence in team fights.
Unmentioned Items
  • Refresher Orb is an item which theoretically can allow you to deal 70% of the entire enemy team's HP in a team fight by casting Earth Splitter twice in succession, severely crippling them within moments, of course this set up will need careful coordination and a successfully executed Echo Stomp.
  • Another item is Arcane Boots. Elder Titan's early game damage is moderate at best, with this item you will be able to not only harass enemies using Astral Spirit you can also augment your own damage and movement speed repeatedly for both last hitting and chasing down enemy heroes if the chance comes. This item will also allow you to have enough mana left after an early game team fight to cast your skills a few more times whilst without it early game Elder Titan is usually left completely drained of mana after executing his combo.
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