The Radiant |
 22 + 2.2 |  17 + 1.8 |  14 + 2.8 |
Level | 1 | 16 | 25 |
Hit Points | 568 | 1233 | 1936 | Mana | 182 | 754 | 1313 | Damage | 52-62 | 87-97 | 124-134 | Armor | 3.38 | 7.44 | 12.23 | Attacks / Second | 0.68 | 0.85 | 1.05 | |
Movement Speed | 295 | Turn Rate | 1.0 | Sight Range | 1800/800 | Attack Range | Melee | Missile Speed | Instant | Attack Duration | 0.4+0.3 | Cast Duration | 0.4+0.51 | Base Attack Time | 1.7 |
Rigwarl the Bristleback is a melee Strength hero famous for his array of synergistic spells with low mana cost and cooldown. He is able to slow his enemies down and reduce their armor with Viscous Nasal Goo, then hit them with a barrage of Quill Sprays, making him an effective chaser when ganking enemies. His low strength gain makes him less tanky than most strength heroes, but he becomes substantially more durable when he turns around due to his passive Bristleback, which reduces damage taken from behind. In the right hands, Bristleback is a powerful ganker in the early stages of the game, and a powerful semi-carry in the later stages depending on how much farm he gets.
Contents - 1 Bio
- 2 Abilities
- 3 Recommended items
Rigwarl, the Bristleback | "It was a barkeep that got me into this mess. Yeah, I think I'll pay em a visit when this is done." | Role: | Durable / Initiator / Disabler | Lore: | Never one to turn his back on a fight, Rigwarl was known for battling the biggest, meanest scrappers he could get his hands on. Christened Bristleback by the drunken crowds, he waded into backroom brawls in every road tavern between Slom and Elze, until his exploits finally caught the eye of a barkeep in need of an enforcer. For a bit of brew, Bristleback was hired to collect tabs, keep the peace, and break the occasional leg or two (or five, in the case of one unfortunate web-hund). After indulging in a night of merriment during which bodily harm was meted out in equal parts upon both delinquent patrons and his own liver, Bristleback finally met his match. “Your tusks offend me, sir,” he was heard to drunkenly slur to one particularly large fellow from the northern wastes whose bill had come due. What followed was a fight for the ages. A dozen fighters jumped in. No stool was left unbroken, and in the end, the impossible happened: the tab went unpaid. Over the weeks that followed, Bristleback's wounds healed, and his quills grew back; but an enforcer's honor can be a prickly thing. He paid the tab from his own coin, vowing to track down this northerner and extract redemption. And then he did something he'd never done before--he actually trained, and in so doing made a startling discovery about himself. A smile peeled back from his teeth as he flexed his quills. Turning his back to a fight might be just the thing. |
| |
Viscous Nasal Goo | | Ability | Affects | |
Target Unit | Enemies | |
| Covers a target in snot, causing it to have reduced armor and movement speed. Multiple casts stack and refresh the duration. | Range: 600 Duration: 5 Armor Reduction: 1/1/2/2 Movement Speed Reduction per Cast: 20% and +3%/+6%/+9%/+12% | 1.5 | 30 |
Having caught a cold while stuck in the snow, Bristleback turns it to his advantage. Notes:- Stacks a maximum of 4 times, meaning it can at most reduce armor by 4/4/8/8 and movement speed by 32/44/56/68%.
Quill Spray | | Ability | Affects | Damage |
No Target | Enemies | Physical |
| Sprays enemy units with quills dealing damage in an area of effect around Bristleback. Deals bonus damage for every time a unit was hit by Quill Spray in the last 14 seconds. | Radius: 625 Duration: 14 Base Damage: 20/40/60/80 Stack Damage: 30 Damage Cap: 400 | 3 | 35 |
An enforcer's honor can be a prickly thing. So can his quills. | Notes:- Quill Spray damage is not reduced by damage block abilities. (such as Vanguard, Kraken Shell.)
- Stacks are independent, not refreshing, which means that normally Bristleback can deal at most (14s duration / 3s cooldown) 120 bonus damage. To reach the damage cap you need additional Quill Sprays from Bristleback passive.
- The stacks do not have a buff indicator and cannot be removed by Purge or other buff removing abilities such as Kraken Shell.
- 13/12/12/11 stacks are required to reach the 400 damage cap, which so require 9/8/8/7 sprays from Bristleback (which takes 2500/2250/2250/2000 damage taken from the rear), since only 4 stacks can be achieved with Quill Spray alone.
- Has an instant cast time.
Bristleback | | | Bristleback takes less damage if hit on the sides or rear. If Bristleback takes 250 damage from the rear, he releases a Quill Spray of the current level. | Reduced Damage (Rear): 16%/24%/32%/40% Reduced Damage (Side): 8%/12%/16%/20% | Turning his back to a fight might be just the thing. | Notes:- Bristleback's rear is considered to be within 70 degrees from the back.
- Bristleback's side is considered to be within 110 degrees from the back.
- Bristleback takes less damage from all damage types except HP removal.
- Damage reduction (and Quill Spray procs) are calculated by comparing the location of the damage instance's source to Bristleback's orientation. This applies to damage over time ticks as well.
Warpath | | Ability | Affects | |
Passive | Self | |
| Bristleback works himself up into a fury every time he casts a spell, increasing his movement speed and damage. The first stack (base) provides larger bonuses. | Duration: 10 Base Bonus Movement Speed: 5%/7%/10% Base Bonus Damage: 20/25/30 Stack Bonus Movement Speed: 1%/2%/3% Stack Bonus Damage: 20/25/30 | 'Temper, temper,' his mum always chided. But in a fight, a temper can come in handy." Notes:- Bristleback's Illusions will receive the bonuses.
- Stacks up to 5 times, meaning it can give at most 9/15/22% movement speed and 100/125/150 attack damage.
- Using items does not trigger Warpath.
- Gaining a stack of Warpath does not refresh the duration of previous stacks, i.e. each stack has its own duration.
- Quill Spray procs from Bristleback do not trigger Warpath.
Recommended items
| Starting | | | Early-game | | | Core | | | Situational | |
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